Proactively support your clients with easy-to-share insights


Proactively support your clients with easy-to-share insights

We’ve updated our email feature so that you can now send multiple insights (including visual graphs) via one email message at a time. With just a few clicks, you can now send your clients their financial performance insights, pre-calculated by Aider from within the Advisory Platform. 

  • Multiple insights can now be compiled and shared directly to your clients inbox. 
  • Email templates make it easy to send insights at scale, while the edit functionality means you have control of the final message. 

Insights are presented in an intuitive graph so that you and your clients have an effortless, digestible view of the data.

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Alix Dougherty

Content Marketing Manager

Aider's Content Marketing Manager, Alix, is an expert in writing, and seeks to write content that shares Aider's innovative software with advisors.